Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to us! These instructions will ensure we have everything required so your paper can move through peer review, production and publication. Please take the time to read and follow them as closely as possible, as doing so will ensure your paper matches the journal’s requirements.

A. General instructions:

  • Please ensure that you are submitting the manuscript before the deadline of submitting articles, for the issue in which you want to publish (see “Call for Papers” section on the website). Articles sent after the deadline for submission will not be processed by the Editorial Office.
  • Manuscripts for this journal are published only in English.
  • Manuscripts will be submitted to: [email protected]
  • Submission and Publication Fee: There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.
  • After submitting their manuscripts, authors will be notified (in aprox. 1 week) about the general eligibility of their submissions (correspondence with the aim and scope of the journal; correspondence with the Guidelines). The quality of the paper is not assessed at this point.
  • Very important!*

*If an article is not corresponding to the Guidelines of the Journal, it will be un-submitted and returned to author, in order to make the changes. If, after the second submission, the article  is not corresponding to the Guidelines, it will be rejected and the author will be informed.

  • Very important!**

** Only articles that are in correspondence with the Journal Guidelines will be send to peer-review, so please ensure that you article is according to our specific paper formatting and reference style.

B. Format of the papers:

  1. The textshould be edited in Microsoft Office Word (Office 2003, 2007, 2010)
  2. Languageof the article: English.  Please use English quotation marks. Please use double quotation marks, except where “a quotation is ‘within’ a quotation”.
  3. Page size: B5 JIS
  4. Article size: between 6 and 15 pages (minimum 3.500 words and should be no more than 8000 words, inclusive of tables, references, figure captions, footnotes, endnotes). Articles under 3500 or above 8000 words will not be published.
  5. Margins– 2 cm.;
  6. Spacing between lines: single;
  7. Font– Cambria (Body); 11 pts., justified;
  8. Title of the article– uppercase, Cambria; 13 pts., centred
  9. Under the title All authors of a manuscript should include their full name, affiliation (University and Country) and emailon the cover page of the manuscript (Cambria; 11 pts., centred).
  10. Papers should have an Abstract (between 150 and 250 words), in English – Cambria; 10 pts., italic. The abstract will present shortly the purpose, field of application, research methods, results and conclusions of the paper.
  11. 5 key-words– Cambria; 10 pts., italic. The key-words must be written in English, separated by semicolons (;) and placed below the abstract.
  12. All the subtitlesof the article should be numbered.
  13. Tables: All tables/figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Headings should be placed above tables/figures, centered. Leave one line space between the heading and the table. All tables/figures must be numbered consecutively, all figures, and all tables respectively. Source of the data from the tables should be mentioned between each table (Cambria 10, italic, aligned Center). References cited in tables or figure legends should be included in the reference list.
  14. Figures– Figures should be high quality (1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for colour, at the correct size). Figures should be supplied in one of the following file formats: JPEG or GIF.

C. References:

(1). In text References:

  • Sources are cited in the text, usually in parentheses, by the author’s surname, the publication date of the work cited, and a page number if necessary
  • References should be cited as follows: the name of the author, year of the publication and page, all in parentheses (Giddens, 2000: 93)
  • If the author’s name appears in the text, it is not necessary to repeat it, but the date should follow immediately: … Giddens (2003, p. 93).
  • Separate the references with semicolons. (Giddens, 2010, 2012; Smith, 2012)
  • For two authors: (York and Glenn, 2012).
  • For three authors: (Giddens, Glenn and York, 2012).
  • At a first citation containing more than 3 authors, all 3 names are mentioned, afterwards, it is used “et al.”
  • If more than one paper by the same author, from the same year is cited, the letters a, b, c etc. should be included after the year of publication.
  • The citation of a paper available online should be performed following the same rules as for a book or a magazine specifying the electronic address where it was consulted.

(2) References list:

  • The full list of the references cited in the text must be presented at the end of the paper, alphabetically by last name of author.
  • The list of the references should be numbered.
  • Please ensure that your references have all the details mentionned below (which are mandatory).
  • If the reference list contains two or more items by the same author in the same year, add a, b, etc. and list them alphabetically by title of the work:

Giddens, A. (2000a). Book Title.

Giddens, A. (2000b). Book Title.

  • For books with one author: Ogien, A. (2018). Book Title. Paris: PUF.
  • For books with two authors: Ogien, A, and Jones, J. (2012). Book Title: The Subtitle. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • For books with more than 3 authors: List the first three authors followed by ”et al.”
  • Organization as author: OECD. (2012). Key data in education, Paris: OECD Publishing
  • Chapter in a single-author book: Ogien, A. (2012). Chapter Title. in Sociology of deviance, Paris: PUF.
  • Edited book: Smith, J. ed. (2012). Collected Style Manuals. Abingdon: Routledge
  • Article in a journal: Smith, J. (2012). Article Title: The Subtitle. Journal Title in Full10 (1): 30–40.
  • Article in a journal available online: Smith, J. (2012). Article Title: The Subtitle. Journal Title in Full10 (1): 30–40 [online] available at: …………….
  • Please do not translate the original title of the books/articles, if they are not in English.
  • The names of the cities of publishing are to be translated in English (ex: instead of using Bucuresti, please use Bucharest; instead of using „Londres”, please use „London” etc.).
  • Websites should be presented at the end of the Reference Lists, at the end, after the last author mentioned, and they should have in front “***”

Example: 32. ***